[ 포럼디앤피 | 건축 ] 의료시설-Archi-Therapy in Medical Center (2010)

< Main Perspective >

Archi-Therapy in Medical Center

Model of healthcare both efficient and commercially viable

" Light flow on overall space " 


  • Location : Chuncheon, Kangwondo, South Korea
  • Site Area : 1,019.70 Square meter
  • Total Floor Area : 6,538 Square meter
  • Program : Healthcare Facility
  • Size : B2, 8F


Investment trends in health related business and individuals interest in health issues have increased dramatically in recent years. Healthcare facilities have been progressively modified to accommodate growing expectations. These changes can benefit both real estate owners and occupants.

The design plan for the medical center was proposed in 2009. The site is situated in a medium sized city. The suburban retreat is surrounded by the abundance of natural landscaping and sunny weather making the site an ideal choice. The developer of the project was also a medical practitioner at the center. His intentions were to develop this center to maximize both the efficiency and profit.

< Project Summary & Site Plan >


Archi-therapy & Light

The physical characteristics of light are invisibility and intangibility. It can only be expressed in the space. The light in the building fills the empty space and transforms into various forms of atmosphere over time. These changes give life to the area and the user will experience nature in buildings.

In this Medical Center,
- The light passing through the volume and it reaches out to people as a healing method. The light came from above spread into the interior space. It fills in the window and other void space through the open courtyard.
- The amount of light entering the individual spaces controlled by vertical louvers. Most of vertical louvers will be installed at the treatment areas and modified the light intensity to fulfill the treatment purposes.

Archi-therapy & Materials

The materials of space can complete the application of light in architecture. Choosing materials and building method have significant impacts on space and users. In three perspectives of properties, construction methods and impact, we will focus primarily on the impact of materials through archi-therapy method.

In this Medical Center,
· The finish is a 100 % natural building material made from a mix of clays and coloured sands. It’s non-flammable and contains no chemical or pigment additives.
· Psychological effects of materials related to the user’s perception and can be analyzed through all the senses.
Orange is ‘vibrant, warmth, stimulating, effervescent’ and is associated with friendliness, pride and ambition. Therefore it is specified for the public facilities where communication takes place.
Green is the symbolic color of this project as a main function of therapy. Generally green is ‘relaxing, calm, peaceful, balance’ and associated with natural things and with equilibrium and friendship. So this color motif is used for the rehabilitation facility and the vertical passage through the building.
White creates the effects of lightness and purity. This space will be modified to accept various light therapies and applications. In order to avoid cold effect of white color, it will be applied with a clay finish.
All colors mentioned here can be finished in a clay as well.

Archi-therapy & Space

Creating a flexible space through the interchangeable concept will induce a rhythmic flow of space and users can experience diverse atmosphere. The visual expansion resolves the existential tension between inside and outside. Increasing public space and transitional area of open space will play a role as emotional and social healing method.

In this Medical Center,
· Building up the same size block will create the volume of structure. The empty spaces in between the floors are interconnected to each other and creating unique environments for their users.
· The main elevator is a glass room within a glass-enclosed shaft, and users can explore various views.
· Designing the treatment areas to be separated from the common parts of the building for the purpose of effective treatment and healing, and, at the same time it can serve as exchange of information as the space allows.
(Medical treatment areas - internal protection, Public areas - communicate with the outside building)
< Project Description >


The essence of this prototype of healthcare facilities remain as the platform of building. And it can be implemented by the flexible programs that fulfill the various needs of the spaces and modified to fit into changes of the facilities in the future.
< Design Process >


< Exterior in the daytime >
< Exterior at nighttime >

< Interior Environment >
< Interior Environment >
< Section Plan >
< Section Plan >

< Plans >

< Plans >

< Plans >

< Plans >
" Archi-therapy is our philosophy as healing method for human "

< BIM based 3D Image by ArchiCAD, 2009 >


2000년 이후 포럼디앤피에서 진행한 의료 관련 프로젝트들을 트레이싱(Tracing)함으로서 현재의 작업의 출발점을 찾고 앞으로의 작업에 방향을 설정하는 활동의 일환이다.  

이 프로젝트가 속해 있는 의료시설은, 포럼디앤피의 LIFE(주거, 종교, 의료, 환경) 분야에서 실현해가고 있는 아키테라피를 건축계획에 어떻게 적용할 것인가라는 질문에 대한 구체적인 첫 모델이다. 프로젝트 자체는 2009년 춘천시에 의료전용 특화시설을 짓는 일반적인 개발사업의뢰로 시작했으나 계획의 지속성을 갖추기 위해 설계를 함께 진행한 건축가 김도한(EAN) 과 함께 의료시설의 모델을 발표한 작업이다.

 < 프로젝트 초기 패널, 2009, 출처 EAN+포럼디앤피 >

2020년 4월 9일
건축가 이인기

(주)포럼디앤피 | 2008년 세 명의 건축가가 설립한 (주)포럼디앤피는, 아키테라피라는 건축철학을 실현하기 위해, 현대사회에 필요한 건축의 혜택을 탐구하고 실천했으며, 양질의 건축을 실현하기 위한 기술역량을 갖추고 있다. 마스터플랜, 주거, 종교, 의료, 복지, 상업, 문화시설 분야에서 작업했고, 현재는 건축건설사업의 전과정인 기획-설계-건설-운영이라는 프로세스의 리더로서 건축가를 정의하고 작업을 하고 있다. 특히 데이터를 접목한 디지털건축과 스마트시티라는 분야에서 특화된 위치를 확보하고 있다.

( 연구 및 상업용도 활용시 출처를 밝히고 사용하기 바랍니다)
FORUM D&P | Archi-Therapy & Architecture-Technology since 2008

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